I am not apologizing

2 min readMay 18, 2020


Stella Furquim

Photo by Rowan Chestnut on Unsplash

I am not going to apologize for being here, for occupying this space instead of that tiny little pre determined role you all gave me.
I am not going to apologize for reflecting, coming to my own conclusions and having a mind of my own.
I am not going to apologize for being free and not selling any aspect of my being for your comfort.
I am not gonna apologize for not resigning to that place you put mothers and terrorize us using our children.
I am not gonna apologize for raising my sons to think for themselves and not to conform.
I am not gonna apologize for not serving as an emotional punching bag for people in general and to not give in to emotional black mail.
I am not gonna apologize for being an activist, day and night, fighting against oppression towards women and against domestic violence.
I am not apologizing for working on changing the future, making it a more balanced place for men and women.
I am not going to apologize for making efforts to decolonize the future and to have guts to see history as it was and not thru the eyes of the colonizer.
I am not gonna apologize for being a woman.

Author: Stella Furquim for Women’s International Day 2020




Written by Gambe4Women

Grupo de Apoio a Mulheres Brasileiras no Exterior

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